The OpenConnect VPN client also supports Pulse Connect Secure, however Host Checker support (required by some Pulse servers) is not yet implemented at the time of this writing (Spring 2022). # sudo /opt/pulsesecure/bin/setup_cef.sh install If the installation of chromium embedded framework in the GUI client gets stuck, it can be installed using.# ln -s /etc/ca-certificates/extracted/ /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ # mkdir -p /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl Run the following commands to resolve these issues: By default the directory that the GUI stores the connections does not exist and it cannot find the system certificates to verify hosts.If you disable a separate DNS service to switch back to NetworkManager#DNS management, you may additionally need to remove /etc/nf to have NetworkManager correctly detect that it should manage DNS. Additionally, DNS lookups will not work properly when using a separate Domain name resolution service.

The pulse-secure VPN only functions properly when using NetworkManager.